First the numbers to use: When looking at our nation, limit yourself to Billions with the B. When looking at what it means to you, see it as three to four dollars.
Again, think with me. There are 303-million Americans. Roughly. If each of us, every man, woman, and child puts in $3.30, that would be 1B$(one-billion dollars).
One billion dollars is $3.30. Say a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with cheese.
Family of four: $13.20. Say a trip to an ice cream shop and four cones, dad gets a double scoop.
That's what a billion dollars on our national scale should mean to you. A billion-dollar program to feed kids in the federal budget taxed to a family of four means one less trip to the ice cream shop each year. How's that sound? Okay I hope.
Our national debt is $10.6T$. Oops Trillion. Multiply it by a thousand to get billions. 10,598-billions. Call it 10,600B$.
TO YOU: That is $35,000 per American. TO A FAMILY OF FOUR: That is $140,000. Imagine a family of four, mom and dad buy a house worth $350,000, put down $50,000, owe $300,000. They look good, until you realize that they have an asset of $350,000 and owe $440,000. Net worth: NEGATIVE $90,000.
That's sad enough. Good news is that the national debt already includes debt from bailing out the banking/insurance problem. Bad news is that they still want to borrow the other half of the $700B, another $350B.
How bad is the banking problem? I don't think we know. Could it be fixed with 700B$? Some say there is 7,000B$ of trouble out there. Some say there is 70,000B$ of trouble out there. You may confuse these B$ numbers with the numbers that relate to your life. Uh uh.
An additional 7T$(7,000B$) is an additional $23,100 to you, and for the family of four: $92,400. For 70T$(70,000B$) use those same two figures and multiply by ten. $231,000 per American, $924,000 for a family of four. Nearly a million dollars of debt for that family. Let's just call that indentured servitude.
NEEDLESSLY DEEPER: Banks can lend ten times what they have in the bank vault. No more, that's law.
SO, some bright banking/finance guys said, hey, those real estate loans are good as gold, how about we call them gold, almost literally, get the insurance company to insure it as good as gold and we'll call it MONEY IN THE VAULT! Then we can loan, say it with me, TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT IN THE VAULT!
Same as above with numbers: Bank has ten-million in the vault. Lends 100M$. Calls 100M$ as in the vault. Lends $1,000M$(1B$).
But, the little secret: They only have one-hundredth of that in the vault. By law it's supposed to be one-tenth, no less.
Bright banker boys did not stop there. They said the new amount lent, the 1B$ was now, say it with me again, GOOD AS GOLD. And, then they had even more money to lend, but still had the same old 10M$ in the vault.
They bundled the real-estate good-as-gold holdings and sold it to retirement accounts and hungry countries with whom we had a trade deficit desperately looking for some place to store the huge amounts of dollars they were collecting. Maddeningly, some of the value caused the price of housing to rise. NOT THE VALUE OF HOUSING, only the price.
ONE MORE STEP DEEPER: The bankers collected their usual fee of one, two, three percent(I don't know the figure). Those LARGE amounts made them rich rich rich, and it made them believe what they were doing was and is real. It's not real. They need to give it back. But, that's just me.
When jobs dropped and prices fell, the house of cards fell. And, all that was in the vault? The same 10M$. Nowhere near the Billions now needed to sustain the PRICES.
Since you read this far, Hey, I think we should review each and every loan for appropriateness to each and every associated borrower and make the banks eat the difference.
Hope this helps a little and is not wildly errant.