My ideas involve a combination of incentives and disincentives. Actually, there's just one incentive, but it's a lulu anbd should more than make up for the cost of the disincetives:
1) Start a government agency that will offer low-cost loans or even grants to the unemployed who can present reasonable business plans for new businesses they will start. This will be available only to people who have been unemployed for six months and have at least applied for unemployment insurance. A group of SCORE types will be on hand to provide help in developing biz plans and to evaluate applications for feasiblity (just to throw out the ones that are clearly submitted with no thought to becoming profitable). And there would be safeguards to prevent the kind of abuse that some Asians have been known to practice wrt low cost minority-biz loans. Point is, this would lead to the rise of a number of small businesses, many of which would fail, some of which would succeed however and drive down unemployment and build up the economy.
2) Invade Mexico. OK, they're our ally and all, but hey, Bush set the precedent on invading whoever the hell you want whenever you want. Invade Mexico, jail all the PRI leaders who've fucked things up so royally, and invite all the Mexicans who've been working in the U.S. for five years or more to come back and run the place along the democratic principles they will have learned in the U.S. And toss out all the damn Catholic preists that have been telling the people that birth control is wrong. That'll stem the flow of immigrant labor from Mexico big-time.
3) Major fines for corps that outsource to India, etc., with possible jail time for the non-compliant.
4)Install trade incentives for doing biz only with countries that do biz with the U.S. on an equal footing, i.e., match us in terms of wage and employee benefits, etc. Jail terms for CEOs of U.S. firms that do biz with contractors who work employees under slave labor conditions.