"I’ve been writing for some months, the system is not just broken and not just injured; it is collapsed.
And as long as the government continues to play putting Humpty Dumpty back together again,
I think it will fail.
That’s not an ideological statement. It’s just—I think it’s the reality."
he went to say:
"And so, I hope, without great confidence, that Larry Summers, the economic adviser, and Tim Geithner and the President decide to take a deep breath, jump over the political barriers and say, “We are taking control of the banking system, temporarily, maybe for a few years. But we have to make this system function for the American economy right now.” And handing them the money and asking them to do the right thing is not sufficient. We know that. It’s not just their excesses; it’s the fact that the banks have a very clear self-interest in not lending, in not beginning investment. They’re hunkering down, trying to save themselves from total failure............"
Transcript, below the video...
http://tinyurl.com/blgbohMany of the smartest economists have been saying this for months now.
I hope President Obama listens.