Yes, I know we are all Democrats but facts are facts and this is a
must read.
Is Obama the Offshore Outsourcing President?where is President Obama, the politician who campaigned against outsourcing? The EE Times story that detailed the stealth layoffs and reactions of IBM workers, appeared on the same day that the President was chumming around with IBM's CEO Palmisano. Here's what President Obama said about why he invited to the White House Palmisano and nine other CEOs who are offshoring jobs:
"They make things, they hire people," the President said of the meeting participants. "They are on the front lines in seeing the enormous problems in the economy right now. Their ideas and their concerns have helped to shape our recovery package in order to get this economy back on track."
Can President Obama really be this naive? Or is it simply that he doesn't believe offshoring matters?
Considering Obama is trying to strip out of
Buy American from the Stimulus bill, well, sorry but we need to smell the roses, demand this now $900 billion dollars go to U.S. workers.
The entire theory of stimulus requires the money to go to U.S. workers, it isn't going to do a hill of beans by offshore outsourcing jobs and thus the money.
(Even the current Buy American provisions
do not tie U.S. taxpayer money, United States debt to American jobs for American workers!)