(CBS.MW) -- The Bush administration softened its projections for job growth on Tuesday, emphasizing that it believes the number of jobs will grow by about 3 percent this year, in contrast to its projections Monday that the economy would average 2.6
The administration "is forecasting for about 3 percent of growth in the number of jobs over the next year. That is about average for a recovery," N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, told lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
If employment increased at a 3 percent rate for the rest of the year, average employment in 2004 would be 131.9 million, about 2 million more than in 2003. Total employment by the end of the year would grow by roughly 3.5 million, or about 320,000 per month for 11 months, to 133.7 million....more...
Gee...I wonder why the change of heart, eh? :eyes: