Since 1996, the Institute has provided materials on our website aimed at educating the public and our legislators on the nation's monetary problem (a privatized monetary system run amok) and how to repair and reform it. Since 2003 our research results were published and available in The Lost Science of Money book by Stephen Zarlenga. From 2005 the Institute has held an annual Monetary Reform Conference in Chicago and publicized its American Monetary Act, as the comprehensive solution to the developing monetary/banking crisis. All these are viewable at our ridiculous monetary and banking system (Yes Barney - it is ridiculous!) continuing to use the same erroneous and failed market ideologies and people, actually increases its immoral, though "legalized" theft from our society - the so called bailouts to banks. We observe the severe recession rapidly growing into a depression where unemployment could reach truly staggering levels. "Our" financiers and economists have brought down the whole world economy. We are already in a downward spiral, and we observe a right wing engaged in habitual class warfare efforts blocking and harassing an already too small rescue effort; and a left wing too cowered and too ignorant of the monetary system nature of the problem, to either fight strongly enough for the rescue, or to put forward and enact real reform.
So our 2009 AMI Monetary Reform Conference will take place at a time of great crisis and a rare opportunity to achieve real monetary reform. As always, a great lineup of speakers is taking shape now, including some surprises. Attached is a report on the 2008 Conference, written by our associate, Jamie Walton, who assisted in organizing it.
While the Obama rescue plan, HR 1 (except for the bailouts) will be a positive factor, and will pass despite objections, it probably won't be anywhere near large enough. But much more importantly it does not address the real issue of monetary reform. The essence of monetary reform is not bailouts, not infrastructure or even printing greenbacks. The essence is to remove the monetary power from those who have repeatedly abused it with disastrous effect - to remove the MONEY POWER from the private banking establishment. See the American Monetary Act at The rest, the positive elements will follow from that. Anything less will not be real reform. We know that from the historical record.
The 2009 Conference will focus on that opportunity, and what participants can do to make a difference. The normal registration fee of $395, is reduced to $225 for early registrations postmarked by February 28. (Please see the registration form at
For those associated with AMI Chapters, the donation is always $195.
The Venue is again at Roosevelt University in downtown Chicago, from Sept. 24-27th. Chicago has become a political focus of our nation. It also has a rich tradition in monetary reform. Known especially (by those in the know) for the proposed monetary reform law called The Chicago Plan, which came out of brilliant people at the University of Chicago in the 1930s; before the University's Economics Department went over to the Dark Side with their present market worship nonsense.
Please try to participate this year. Its a key time to act for real reform. If you can't attend you can still participate by making a donation at, that we will use for attendance scholarships to students. And remember, your donation supports all the activities of the American Monetary Institute. It makes a very big difference to our work and the results we can achieve. We really can continue making progress with your help. (see the excitement that Congressman Dennis Kucinich created on the Floor of the House of Representatives at regards to all,
Please support the AMI, We are working for you! And we need your help.
Stephen Zarlenga
P.S. If you are tired of hearing "the usual suspects" who created the crisis, hogging the airwaves, write the media and suggest that they interview me.