Bank Failures, Then and Now, in Current Dollars
While there is lots of talk about U.S. bank failures, and about how far more banks failed during the S&L crisis of the 1980s than have failed so far during the credit crisis, there is another way of looking at things. What about if you compare the assets/depositors of the failed banks, then and now? The result is very different, as this graph from Calculated Risk shows: FDIC Bank Failures
by CalculatedRisk on 2/15/2009 07:01:00 PM
Four banks were closed by the FDIC Friday, for a total of 13 banks so far in 2009. To put those failures into perspective, here are two graphs: the first shows the number of bank failures by year since the FDIC was founded, and the second graph shows the size of the assets and deposits (in current dollars).

FDIC Bank Failures Click on graph for larger image in new window.