A major criticism that is spewed by the GOPers is that those who were "unwise" in their mortgage decision now want to be helped and want to escape the consequences of their actions. Not one time have I heard a Democrat respond by laying the blame for actions-without-consequences at the feet of the * administration. George and his minions have been the champions of the no-blowback philosophy for ANY of their decisions. But they are never called on that. In the same light, I have not heard any strong condemnation from the Obama administration of the policies and actions of the rethugs, ala... "The Bush administration and the republican party have for eight years had total control of the government. This nation was run according to their views and the crises we now face are a result of those disastrous policies and actions. The American people have spoken in two consecutive elections that we need to take a different path if we are to save this country. I and the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate were elected to change the direction of this nation. If the GOP does not want to help us, at least get out of the way and let us clean up your mess. If our policies do not succeed, then we can and should be blamed for failing. But do not sabotage our efforts on purely political grounds. Far too much is at stake." The reconciliation bullshit and weakness in putting the truth of the last eight years in the minds of the American people is doing great harm to the Democratic effort. "Our" representatives in DC are allowing the pukes to frame the argument, as always. As a result, we are losing a golden opportunity to really reshape our society into a more democratic, fair, and humane (redundant terms, I know) nation. It is not time for half-steps. It is time for a full assault on the GOP and the damage they have done. Our politicians obviously do not like to "run up the score" and it seems that they do not even like to have the lead. Act like winners for Christ's sake and accomplish something. If they continue with this half-ass approach, we may make some minimal headway but, in the end, the enemy, who is much more willing to fight for their views, will win.