Overall, I think Obama did an excellent job. He does exude confidence and it's always a pleasure to listen to him speak. I was glad to hear that he plans to confront the health care crisis this year.
My only major criticism would be that the administration still seems to be operating under the assumption that re-inflating the credit bubble is the solution to our current economic woes.
Too much debt is what got us into this hole, and we can't dig ourselves out of it with more debt. The administration seems blind to the ideological shift that has taken place across the country. People no longer view debt as acceptable or desirable, but as dangerous and burdensome. I don't think this attitude will shift back for at least a generation. I've read story after story of banks attempting to woo clients, with little luck. Consumers and businesses are rightly afraid of debt.
My other concern has to do with the goal of providing college education to all citizens. While I fully support education (personally, I'd like to see undergraduate education available to all citizens), right now we have a shortage of jobs for college educated workers. It frustrates me to hear politicians blame our lack of competitiveness on the public school system, when in reality our lack of competitiveness has more to do with low wages and poor regulation overseas.