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FBI investigation of mortgage fraud could have been acted on by the Bushies

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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-26-09 07:52 AM
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FBI investigation of mortgage fraud could have been acted on by the Bushies

the FBI accurately described mortgage fraud as "epidemic"

nonprime lenders are overwhelmingly responsible for the epidemic

the fraud was so endemic that it would have been easy to spot if anyone looked

the lenders, the banks that created nonprime derivatives, the rating agencies, and the buyers all operated on a "don't ask; don't tell" policy

willful blindness was essential to originate, sell, pool and resell the loans

willful blindness was the pretext for not posting loss reserves

both forms of blindness made high (fictional) profits certain when the bubble was expanding rapidly and massive (real) losses certain when it collapsed

the worse the nonprime loan quality the higher the fees and interest rates, and the faster the growth in nonprime lending and pooling the greater the immediate fictional profits and (eventual) real losses

the greater the destruction of wealth, the greater the (fictional) profits, bonuses, and stock appreciation

many of the big banks are deeply insolvent due to severe credit losses

those big banks and Treasury don't know how insolvent they are because they didn't even have the loan files

a "stress test" can't remedy the banks' problem -- they do not have the loan files

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Historic NY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-26-09 08:53 AM
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1. Only if the Justice Dept, wasn't working for a Repuke Majority forever case.
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