Edited on Tue Mar-09-04 06:33 PM by rapier
Deflation is the worst thing that can happen in an economy based upon credit. It is the one thing that CANNOT be allowed to happen at any cost. Massive inflation is far preferable to any deflation.
Inflation is the natural order of economies based upon credit and non metals backed currencies. In other words it is the natural and necessary condition of modern economies.
The worst thing about deflation has to do with debt. If deflation becomes widespread at all, debtors eventually start to default. One of the hallmarks of general deflation is debt default. Most debt is taken on the assumption that it will be paid back with cheaper, or to put it another way, more plentyful, money. If you have X payments on your debts monthly, and your income falls and falls and falls again, eventually your in trouble. If your a bussiness and the price of your product falls, you could be in trouble. While this price of things trend has been evident the last couple of years it has been spotty, not widespread.
Another sort of deflation that is deadly, even more deadly in our finance based economy, is deflation of financial assets. The stock market crash of 01-02 was quite a shock to the system but Al Greenspan saved the day by lowering rates madly. This lowering of rates, for complex reasons, allowed the value of bonds and other debt based financial instruments to inflate, which masked and overcame the deflationary forces in the stock sell off. It also allowed pockets of the economy to inflate thru the demand provided by cheap and easy credit. Think homes and consumer durables like cars and home entertainment centers and the like which kept right on selling.
Al and all his boys worried publicly and long about the threat of deflation last year, for good reason. The game is over if deflation takes hold. Think of the Great Depression. That was the result of deflation in first, financial assets and then general prices as demand cratered.
Now Al can't cut much anymore. Short rates which he controls can't go much lower. He can influence, and perhaps is manipulating longer term interest rates to keep real estate and debt based consumer spending going strong.
The now officiall wished for dollar fall is a response to the threat of deflation. Cheaper dollars are inflationary by definition so that is what they want, to counter the forces of deflation. Japans bizzare fight to keep the dollar strong vs the yes has been carried out by them with a policy that is massively inflationary. THey have been printing money like mad to buy dollars and then use the dollars to buy our Treasury paper, which keeps long rates low. So far inflation has not manifested intself in Japan so much, but one should expect it
Also commodities of all stripes are now rising, inflating. Mostly in dollar terms as the dollar fell but again, this is the desired outcome. Yes, inflation is our friend. Greenspan et al won't say it but know that it is true. How this will affect you with rising prices and stagnant income it is better to ignore. That isn't first or even second concern of the Fed. Their first concern is to keep the financial markets running so as to avoid a panic. A sudden loss of price, and liquitiy in the financial markets which would cause massive problems. Sure, a few million households haveing a tough time is one thing but Americans financial standing is the very essence of our power and wealth. Well, the wealth of our ever smaller and ever more inportant elites.