1.Normal Hard Times: This is what most of us would call an economic recession. This is not what the government calls a recession because the government is constantly manipulating their statistics to give the illusion of a healthy economy. Normal hard times occur when many different types of businesses have significantly decreasing sales revenues that force them to layoff large numbers of their employees, and they close some of their branches, and this results in a lot of personal bankruptcies. As long as you personally still have a job and a place to call home then you can refer to this period as a "recession."
2.Serious Hard Times: This is what most of us would call an economic depression. There are huge reductions in sales revenues and massive layoffs nationwide. A lot of different businesses and financial institutions declare bankruptcy. You personally lose your job and your home. If you are lucky you can move in with someone else in your family who still has a job. If you aren't lucky then you may have to live in your car, if you still have a car, or you may be forced to live in some type of tent in a "temporary tent city." Regardless of who you are, or what you did in the past, or how many college degrees you have, as soon as you are forced to become a part of the "temporary tent city crowd" you will be perceived as one of the unproductive members of society and the local city and county officials will make your life far more difficult than it already is. You will also be feared by most of the local residents who still have some form of income and some type of home or apartment. This level of resentment and harassment is the trigger that unleashes the "dark side" of these ordinary people.
3.Extreme Hard Times: This occurs when government and financial institutions work together to save themselves and the savings, pensions, and lives of most of the remaining ordinary people are sacrificed. Utility services become intermittent and unreliable. Necessary goods and services become scarce. Inflation rapidly escalates. In order to create the illusion that the government cares about you and that the government is trying to help you, official price controls are implemented and those prices are set at "pre-inflation price levels" which is below the current actual cost of the goods. Therefore most items are only available on the "gray or black markets" where their selling price at least covers the cost of the product. The government and the financial institutions blame everyone else for these problems - especially anyone or any group that voices a dissenting opinion. During this period there will be widespread starvation, epidemics, lootings, murders, rapes, and general lawlessness. Each person and family will be individually responsible for their own safety and survival. (Note: The current "spot" price of gold and silver is an example of government price controls in action. Almost anyone, including the government, would be more than happy to buy gold or silver at the official "spot" price which is significantly below the current true market price. However almost everyone, including the government, will not sell any gold or silver at the current "spot" price unless they are forced to do so. Therefore there are almost no sales of silver or gold at the current official "spot" prices.)
Anything ringing a bell?