The marriage penalty relief begins in 2003 - the year we are filing now - with two special provision's:
First - the standard deduction for "married" is set at 200% of the standard deduction for "single"
and second, the 15% bracket is extended for "married" so that it does not end until your income reaches 200% of the point where it ends for "single".
In 2004, those percentages drop to 174% on the standard deduction, and 180% on the 15% bracket size, and do not go back to 200% until 2009 for the standard deduction, and 2008 for the size of the 15% bracket.
INDEED THE ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX RELIEF IS ONLY FOR 2003 AND 2004 - then it drops back 2000 tax year levels.
AND THE CHILD CREDIT OF $1000 drops for tax year 2005 to $700!
But the good news is the the break point for married filing jointly in 2004 between the "adjusted" income taxed at 33% or less, and the adjusted income taxed at 35%, is increased to $319,100. So you can get the lower tax on an additional $7,150 of adjusted income in 2004, compared to your return in 2003 - assuming you have adjusted income in excess of $319,100 in 2004. I just hate to have too much of my income over $300,000 per year taxed at 35%.