Given there has been a financial recovery of sorts, but no recovery at all on main street, it should not be surprising to see">Credit-Card Delinquencies Rise Again.
The rate of charge-offs on U.S. credit cards rose more than a half-percentage point in November, snapping a two-month run of drops from an all-time high in August, and delinquencies rose for the fourth consecutive month, Moody's Investors Service said.
Charge-offs, which are those loans a credit-card company doesn't think it will be able to collect, were 10.6% for November, compared with 10% in October. The ratings firm also said the delinquency rate, which gives a glimpse of issuers' potential losses and how much they may need to set aside in reserves, rose to 6.2% in November.
Bank of America Now Choking on Growth at any Cost PolicyPlease consider">New Chief at Bank of America Seeks Credit-Card Fix
When Bank of America Corp.'s new chief executive takes over next week, one of the first problems he will face is one he's already been grappling with—the bank's credit-card business.
"We gave a lot of cards out to our customers," Mr. Moynihan said in a Nov. 5 speech. "We were giving them to too many people." He discussed a "repositioning" of the business that would rely less on borrowing and more on card transactions, while acknowledging that the business won't be as big or as profitable as it used to be.">More...
Assets at Banks whose ALLL (allowance for loans and lease losses) exceeds their Nonperforming Loans