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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Economy Donate to DU
clarence swinney Donating Member (673 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 05:46 PM
Original message
Wall Street Of America formerly United States Of America


1980 to 2007

18 years Conservative Senate
12 years Conservative House
6 years Total Conservative Control

Redistribution of Wealth to top 20%.

Folk! It is downhill slide for Middle Class.

FACTS---numbers rounded-

1946--1% owned 30% of Total Wealth

1980—20%--a 33% decline due to Estate Tax and High Top Income Tax Rate.

thence cometh conservatism


80% Increase in 8 years of Reaganism


2007--20% owned 93% of Total non home Financial Wealth

80% owned equity in homes.

Most major corporations are owned by WALL STREET RICH MEN CASINO

In 1945, corporations paid 35.4% of federal revenues and 7.4% in 2003

In 2000, 45% of corporations with revenue over 50 million paid no federal tax

Five Wall Street Banks own 75% of all Bank Deposits in America. 5.

Two own 20%.

Think that is not POWER???


In 8 years of Bush with 6 years of Total Control

They (wall street rich) created a Net New Jobs of 31,000 per month.

Why? That is NET. You take the new jobs created and subtract the ones sent to China, etc

31,000! Wow!

Bush took over after Clinton had created 237,000 Net New Jobs per month.

Clinton left Bush a spending of 1830 B Per Year.

Bush doubled it to 3600 B.

Bush inherited a 5700B Debt from Clinton. He took it to 11,500B

20 years of 3 conservative presidents did this horrible thing.

Took the Debt of less than 1000B after 200 years and added on 8000B.

In 2009 they are spinning big time to blame Obama for huge debt.

Conservatives will spend millions to coverup their Big Recession.

Much of that 8000B Debt add-on went to WALL STREET GAMBLERS.

The people do not know what has happened to them.

Forbes list of 400 Richest reveals how many became Billionaires via corporate
takeovers and Hedge Gambling

Right Wingers yell Rich Pay most of taxes.

Income Taxes!Yes! They have most of the money.

Yet! Conservatives transferred much of taxation from Rich to Middle Class. Reagan voiding REVENUE SHARING a disaster for Middle Class where taxes were transferred from Rich Income taxes to Middle Class in State and Local Taxes. Was it by design?

Was it a Designed Act of taxation transfer by Conservatives.

In 2008 the Middle Class paid 30% of nominal Income in Federal-State-Local Taxes.
Top 10% paid 30% also. Progressive tax system?

Social Security Tax Increase in 1983 was it designed to hit the Middle Class and ease on the rich?

Greenspan + Reagan. 6.2% Tax on Middle Class. One earns $50,000 pays 6.2%. Earns $1,000,00 pays 6.4%. Earns $10,000,000 pays 1/10th of 1%. By design to keep rich rich?

Was Destruction of S&Ls a deliberate act of wealth transfer from 400 local investors to individual Rich on Wall Street?

Key actor Michael Milken became a Multiple Billionaire with income of 550 Million in one year from raiding S&L deposits (plus) for his Rich Corporate Raiders on Wall Street.

Raiders like Perelman and Ichan became multiple Billionaires.
Sweat of Brow? Ho Ho.

Bush I had to borrow 140 Billion on 40 year bonds to pay for the raids on S&L's by Wall Streeters.
140B creates many Billionaires and Millionaires. Depositors money was used by those Corporate Raiders and bankrupted the S&L then the government pay off to depositors by Federal Deposit Insurance created Debt for Middle Class.


Same ideology gave us Great Depression now Great Recession.

It is not a Depression due to:

Democratic Social Safety Nets such as
Social Security and Medicare

Only the uninformed vote to send conservatives to Washington.

Some type of Revolt will take place in next decade.

Democrats will continue to allow Conservatives with their huge right wing talk shows spreading lies to blame them.

Democrats need a national Megaphone informing all the people as to what has been done and how they have been RAPED by a few million RICH on Wall Street who have taken their Wealth.

I ask one thing.

PROVE ME WRONG. With numbers and facts not usual vile name calling
author-Lifeaholic-Workaholic to Lifeaholic success
All American Party-How Democrats created a great successful Middle Class and how Conservatives are determined to destroy it

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duphase Donating Member (93 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 06:02 PM
Response to Original message
1. Has any of this ever been seriously discussed on tv?

If msm and network tv are even half-honest, why don't they tell the people some of this stuff so we can do something about it? Or, do
they prefer that we Democrats just remain ignorant of reality?
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OHdem10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 06:20 PM
Response to Original message
2. "Those who ignore the lessons of History are doomed to repeat them.
Conservadems have done everything in their power to ignore
the Legacy of the Democratic Party left to them by one
our Greatest Presidents--Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Roosevelt understood and believed in his bones--you cannot
have Democracy without a Middle Class and set about
building just that. Our Free Market Fundamentalist
Democrats have poo-pooed and some have disdained The NEW
Deal. FDR also knew he had to prioritize. He was no
protectionist but facing the economic circumstances of
the great Depression he told the American People, while
our Trade is very important, my immediate focus must be building
strong healthy national economy.

Along with your megaphone message of what has been done
to them, we need to offer Alternatives.

For those interested American Prospect Magazine has volumes
of good ideas.
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bertman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 06:37 PM
Response to Original message
3. Other than the fact that I would call it EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION rather than DESTRUCTION,
I can't quibble with the stats. May even print them out to give to a few right-wing friends.

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whyverne Donating Member (734 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 07:06 PM
Response to Original message
4. Follow the money.
The rich wanted to get richer. They wanted their kids to be rich too. Since sales to other countries had seriously diminished, where could they get more money?

The middle class of course. They were just wasting all their money anyway. Going to Disneyland and such.

The middle class in this country was targeted with the help of the republicans, the party of the rich. They don't feel bad about it because they think it's their money anyway. "Stolen" from them by taxes.
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corpseratemedia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 08:19 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. last two sentences so true!
actually all of it nice and succinct
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