Edited on Wed Mar-31-04 04:23 PM by wetbandit2003
Starting April 16 2004, There will be a boycott on certain petrol companies. We all heard in the news today that OPEC has decided to cut back production by another 4%. We all know that the Big oil companies will gouge prices on gasoline. We can prevent this from happening. Here is how it will work.
Starting April 16 2004 at 8:00am, Do not buy gasoline, food, or even a news paper from Shell or B.P. gas stations for 30 days. You must make sure that you do not buy ANYTHING from these gas stations. IT is important! You buy your gas, sodas, snackies and your morning paper from other gas stations instead of Shell and B.P. for the thirty days. This will force Shell and BP to lower the price on gasoline to regain their business, possibly by as much as a magnitude of 30 cents/gal. If the boycotted gas stations lower their prices by a few cents early in the boycott, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING UNTIL AFTER THE THIRTY DAYS! They might raise their prices again. When the thirty days are up, if Shell and BP lower their prices substantially, Reward them, Buy Gas and Goodies only from them for thirty days. The surrounding gas stations will be forced to lower their prices too in order to keep their business. If Gas companies raise their prices again, Repeat the process again, targeting another Gasoline companies' gas stations. The idea here is to allow the consumer to be in charge of the market, not the big oil companies. Copy this Message and Send it to as many people as you can.