March 5 (Bloomberg) -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may force lenders including Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo & Co. and Citigroup Inc. to buy back $21 billion of home loans this year as part of a crackdown on faulty mortgages.
That’s the estimate of Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Chris Kotowski, who says U.S. banks could suffer losses of $7 billion this year when those loans are returned and get marked down to their true value. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, both controlled by the U.S. government, stuck the four biggest U.S. banks with losses of about $5 billion on buybacks in 2009, according to company filings made in the past two weeks. out Denninger's take on this:
The mortgage firms are looking at every loan more than 90 days past due and “asking us basically to give them all the documentation to show that it was properly underwritten,” JPMorgan’s Scharf said. “We then go through a process with them that takes a period of time, and literally it’s every loan, loan-by-loan, and have the discussion on whether or not we actually should buy the loan back.”
That's exactly what I said would happen more than two years ago.
If there was appraisal fraud OR
If there was income fraud OR
If there was DTI fraud OR
If the automated underwriting was gamed OR
If there was asset fraud
THEN the bank gets rammed with a repurchase demand on the bad paper - paper that is 90 days+ and, in essentially every case, dramatically underwater.
The "dream" that this will result in "only" $7 billion in losses (30% of the repurchased amount) is a fantasy.
The most common include inflated appraisals or falsely stated incomes in the loan applications, said Larry Platt, a Washington-based partner at law firm K&L Gates LLP who specializes in mortgage-purchase agreements. The government agencies hire their own reviewers who go back and compare the appraisals with prices from historical home sales, he said.
Ding ding ding ding ding ding.
The truly ugly news isn't found in these mortgages. It is found in the second lines - HELOCs and "Silent Seconds" - that are behind these agency mortgages. Those are worth zero once the first defaults, and when the repurchase demand is perfected the auditors are going to force these loans to be recorded at their likely recovery value - which is zero.
There are literal hundreds of billions of dollars worth of that trash on all of the big banks balance sheets, and all of it is being carried under assumptions that nearly every one of those loans is "money good." 80% of the dollar value of these HELOCs and Seconds are in the bubble areas and of those virtually all are behind an underwater first.
The assumption that these loans are "money good" is blatantly and intentionally false. It is a fiction that our regulators, examiners and auditors have foisted upon the public, and if you rely on it, you will get burned.
Oh, JP Morgan's net income for all of 2009? $11.7 billion.
Much more: ( 2/3 way down the page)