Brazilian Style Living in Southern California – MLS Inventory Creeping up, Section 8 Vouchers for Granite Countertops, and California Budget Going Mayan in 2012.
One thing is painfully clear about this housing bubble bursting here in Southern California and that is many of the 20 million residents never venture off their beaten path. Hit the freeway to work, stay inside, clock out, and head back to your segmented area. Variety is having lunch within a few minutes or miles from the hub. You have to wonder how many people are blind to the economic destruction that is hitting from all corners like a financial tornado. Foreclosures are raging and yet you have people gleefully acting as if real estate is heading back to 2006 and 2007 price levels. Those days are gone. If people would only venture out a few miles to see what is happening in their own backyard it would add a new level of perspective.