Edited on Fri Aug-20-10 04:08 PM by jtuck004
I think it heads toward a good idea, but
We are very likely to have near double-digit unemployment for at least the next 10 years, and with 20 million people unemployed or underemployed today, (likely to grow over the next year), the program would have to be hundreds of billions a year to be effective, and it would have to do something to head off all those dollars simply heading to China after they are spent (on mostly Chinese products). We set $15 trillion aside to pay to banks and foreign investors - in all fairness the American worker should be worth as much.
I suspect the initial program would have to near a trillion the first year, perhaps for two or three, and then tail down to a few hundred billion a year after that to reduce unemployment significantly.
The high speed rail portion is good, but much more would need to be allocated to build anything significant. Also need some money for moving us off our dependance on oil (China is spending a couple hundred billion a year to do this, and if we don't they will own us in a decade) as well as some medical improvements that lower costs in that area - which may be social as well as technological.
The current news says business is sitting on about $1.5 trillion today. Giving them more would be a waste, since they won't hire unless there is demand. So a huge national program to work on infrastructure, alternative energy, hi-speed rail, and education\training would distribute the money, create demand, and cause jobs to be created by business.
Good idea to work on, however...thank you.