Some of us remember this country in a time when others were making bold advances into space, and Kennedy told us to go the moon. No one knew how, but it inspired a lot of people to be told that was the goal.
Beyond just stimulus, maybe we need a larger goal. We have a great orator as pres, maybe he needs to suggest that we can figure out how to move this country into the 21st century, embrace something besides oil, create the high speed trains, figure out how to use biotech to improve medicine and manufacturing, and ...?
In the following link, they suggest that we need to do something more than just stimulate the "animal spirits" if we want a sustainable economy for the next century. It's short, but it says a lot...
Rebooting Capitalism, Post-Keynesian Edition
"It was Joan who set me straight. Joan Robinson. Joan, who, as a young academic in Cambridge, had sat each evening at the feet of John Maynard Keynes upon his return from a day in London, to catch up on his latest thoughts and relay them to his disciples in the other colleges. Keynes himself died in 1946 and Joan in 1983, which is a pity: not least because, were he or she alive today, they would be straightening out a few other people the way Joan helped me back in 1970.
The tiny problem with Keynesianism is summarized neatly here. It's that animal spirits are necessary for commerce, but not sufficient for prosperity.
Consider it this way. The great bubble of the noughties was caused by animal spirits unleashed to their fullest. The result, today, is austerity.
You've got to, in short, transform animal spirits into a high purpose, into a human spirit. One that is the will to create meaningful, enduring, thick value. That's the central challenge of 21st century economics.
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