And it will pretty much stay there till "after" the elections. The right, who are those with the money, banks, wall street etc. are making sure that things are look "really" bad before the elections. They aren't lending money, they aren't hiring, they are simply out to make sure things are really tough on democrats and hope that people forget who it as that got us into this mess, and who it was that has been doing their best to make sure "NOTHING" changes! The MSM is pushing the "things look BAD for democrats", even though polls show that the republican numbers are worse than the democrats which aren't very good! Yes people are unhappy and the right has been doing their best to make sure that the democrats get the blame for "everything". I see post after post on this board that could come right from the pages of right wing websites. Trolls keep posting about all kinds of negative reports that make president Obama and the democrats look like the bad guys, and sadly a lot of those on the left are buying into the trap and also going negative, are giving up on the president and many even say they wont vote this year! Republicans are doing a bang up job when sites like this start to sound like right wing sites that hare the president and want to put republicans back in charge. Now I know most people here don't buy into this BS, but enough do that when I read the main page all I see somedays is "negative" post trashing the president and predicting doom and gloom for the democrats this year!
The right wing has NO plan on how to fix things, they want to end SS, medicare, and any other program that will help those in need, and they are not going to go a damn thing if they do get control of congress, except make sure nothing the president wants will ever get done! No I agree things are all the great, but damn it's a hell of a lot better than if the republicans were in charge, and if people stay home and "give up" nothing will get done for at least the next 2 years.
I for one will not sit on my ass feeling sorry for myself, and even though I may not be happy with everything the president has done, I will support him and the democrats in my state because if there is one thing I do know, I sure as hell don't want republicans taking over congress! We still can see change, we just have to stop listening to the MSM, the right wing smear machine, and all the damn trolls that come here to make trouble! President Obama has done more in his first year and a half the most presidents do in their whole term, be it one term or two!