The stack on the right is money used for public purpose: The New Deal, for example. The stack on the left is money handed to the banksters in the bailouts. Different, aren't they? Like, the public stack is a lot smaller, and spread over 200 (two hundred) years. And the bankster stack is a lot bigger, and took place all in 1 (one) year. Any questions?
So, indeed, the program was a "success." The banksters and the MOTU put the rest of us peasants on the hook for $22 trillion dollars, kept their jobs, kept their bonuses, never did the perp walk in orange jumpsuits on the teebee for accounting control fraud, and are still too big to fail. Mission accomplished!
But let's return to first principles for a moment:
1. Who creates money? The state. See">Article I, Section 8, at "coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin."***
2. Why should money be created? To serve the public purpose. See">the Preamble at "general welfare."
Did Julie Remache and her team use the powers of our state**** to create money for a public purpose? No. They did not. If they had done so, disemployment wouldn't be 10% nominal (20% real), we wouldn't be losing our homes, we wouldn't be getting sick and dying for lack of health care. We might have a Jobs Guarantee. But our money wasn't used for that, now was it?
This is one huge source of frustration to me. The PTB know exactly how money works and they regularly use that knowledge to their own advantage while doing everything they can to ensure that the population at large remains clueless.
Wake up, America.