listening to NPR on the way home this morning. They were interviewing a lady at a softball game near where Obama was speaking. Her take was that things were so bad, and she really missed how good they were under Bush, was looking forward to getting a chance to vote repubs in. Anyone that thinks they are going to point out the reality so she can change her outlook is fooling themselves.
There are a LOT of people with that outlook. What they feel is the effects of 2 years of a horrible economy in which the majority of the stimulative money went to 6 major banks and some very wealthy investors both in this country and out. With millions of jobs being lost as they walked in the door, I never will understand why the economy and jobs weren't the first, last, and only priority of this party when they came to power, (a postion I have been castigated for, as if that is going to change anything, or my thinking ;)).
OF COURSE the Republicans were the major cause of this problem, (though it actually has many components in all administrations stretching back roughly 30 years). We know the real abuses came between 2000-2008. Yet many don't seem to understand their logic is irrelevant to a person at the bottom of the hole. It doesn't matter how many times we circle the top, explaining that we "weren't the ones that pushed the person in there, and lookie at all the other good things we have done for them". If we don't throw them a rope they are going to look for someone else in hopes that the outcome will be different - even if they don't recognize that it may have been the person that knocked them down there in the first place. Why that is hard to understand is beyond me.
It doesn't mean we don't try, but stimulating demand, making structural changes that keep dollars in this country, supporting manufacturing at least as much as we have supported greedy avaricious evil thieves Wall Street, coming up with a plan that will regrow this country for the 21st century - in other words, doing the things that make people's day-to-day financial life easier.
That would win years of elections.