I agree there is cash, but there is so much debt in mortgages, on top of consumers, on top of the nation, as well as trillions, perhaps, hidden behind the opaque curtains of the Fed and off the books in the largest banks. I think that is going to squash any growth.
China is only about 30% consumer driven, from what I have read, and they are investing billions into polysilicone, alternative energy, sustainable technologies and others. When they don't have the expertise, they get it. And while we sell them billions, they still sell us more than we sell them, so much so they reportedly have $2 trillion in reserve. I recently met a guy at a picnic who is a contract engineer there after many years of work here. Said virtually everything has been shut down here, what we have is a token as far as silicone, (electronic circuits), and China is making a big push to be the leader in alternative engergy. They are adding 1500 cars a day to their roads. That's a lot of consumer pressure. Here, on the other hand, we have weak retail sales and increasing inventories. I don't see near enough demand.
You are correct about the jobs, but we have 30 million plus unemployed and underemployed, numbers that seem likely to increase over the next 12 months or so. Most things I read say we need approximately 125,000 net new private sector jobs each month to simply soak up the new entries into the job market, so to re-employ the others we need more. Let's just say we want to re-employ 20 million. We would need 167,000 new jobs each month, on top of the 125 for "new" folks. That's 292K per month, starting now, every month, for the next 10 years, would get us close to 6-7% unemployment, I think. And the current unemployment funds run out again in November for a million-ish people, as I recall. Christmas may not be the happy time people are used to, if they rely on material goods.
Here's the job creation, from the BLS web site, for several decades:
"Monthly Growth in Total Nonfarm Employment, Seasonally Adjusted: 1980-2008 Average Per Month Thousands.
Year ---- 1980 22 1981 -4 1982 -177 1983 288 1984 323 <--- 1985 208 1986 158 1987 263 1988 270 1989 162 1990 26 1991 -71 1992 96 1993 233 1994 321 <-- 1995 179 1996 233 1997 280 1998 250 1999 264 2000 163 2001 -147 2002 -45 2003 7 2004 173 2005 211 2006 175 2007 91 2008 -256 2009 -373
So since 1980 we have only had two years that we had sufficient job growth per month to accomplish this. I think the actions the current administration has taken are like setting a glass of spilled milk upright, after most of the milk has run out. They stopped the flow, but but they aren't refilling it.
That doesn't make me hopeful. (On the other hand, look at how good job creation was under Clinton - with tax increases! <LOL>). So it is possible.
You have a very good point about the bonds, but I think people are too concerned to go much of anyplace else. The bonds aren't paying much interest, but it is (probalby ) slightly better than inflation for a change, and banks are buying them for the little bit of interest they get, because their only other alternative is to make loans <gasp> to people, and they are really risk averse right now.
I posted the articles 'cause I thought it was interesting that a great stock trader from 1905 seemed to have a similar outlook to a person a hundred years later about the same stock market. I don't know that we are being fooled, but it does seem like a lot of people are hoping for a more optomistic outcome out of what looks to me like a wreck waiting to happen. That's not bad, but if action is needed but not taken because of a too optomistic outlook, conditions could get worse. And there are too many people hurting now.
Yea, I did dust off the crystal ball out of respect for your answer ;) But mostly I do this because I want to see the PTB spend some serious money to re-educate people for a modern world, rebuild our sagging manufacturing sector for the 21st century, and get people to work at jobs which will stimulate demand and give their minds something to work with.
Barring that, I just want to keep up on what's happening, so I can keep my dogs safe.
I can't know what you are going through, (you can mail me privately if you wish, of course) but I sure do hope you make it. I think most of us like having smart people to talk to, whether they agree or not, and we need all those we can get. I do know I will hope for the better 50% outcome for you, and with any luck maybe you will wind up in that select group whose odds are way better!
Thank you again.