From my Email Box-- I encourage you to consider the following:
In its report "The Great Transition" our London partners the New Economics
Foundation ( sketch an outline of how to reach what E. F.
Schumacher would have called an "economy of permanence."
The sections of the report include: The Great Revaluing, the Great
Redistribution, the Great Rebalancing, the Great Localization, the Great
Reskilling, the Great Economic Irrigation, and the Great Interdependence. We
will focus on each element separately in future eNewsletters.
"In the Great Revaluing, we make the case that building social and
environmental value should be the central goal of policy-making. We also
argue that this needs to be true for private as well as for public
decision-making, with market prices reflecting real social and environmental
costs and benefits. We need to make "good¹ things cheap and "bad¹ things
very expensive too often this is the opposite of what we have today. As
long as the achievement of good outcomes is separate from the real business
of business, we will not see these outcomes achieved. Similarly, public
policy cannot hope to create the best possible social and environmental
outcomes unless this is at the heart of policy-making. In both cases,
building real value requires us to accurately measure these outcomes and to
build these measures into the core of public and private decision-making.
This is a vital first step, upon which much else that is proposed in this
report depends."
To read the full report go to: New Economics Institute is working closely with nef to develop the
practical details of how to achieve this transition in our economic system.
It is an ambitious undertaking, but a global New Deal along the lines
outlined is essential for environmental reasons, and also to finally rid the
world of poverty and inequality. Locally, nationally and globally we need to
change direction quickly and radically. We need nothing short of a new
economics to collectively build a different future.
Best wishes,
Susan Witt and Stephan Crown-Webber
New Economics Institute
140 Jug End Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230 USA