explains the value of a program like the Home Affordability Modification Program (HAMP). Only a small fraction of the people who enter this program will end up with a permanent modification that will actually allow them to accumulate equity. However, the entire time that they work with the program, they keep sending a mortgage check to the bank -- and the government kicks in some taxpayer dollars as well. This is a real win-win from the standpoint of the banks as they get more checks from the homeowner than would otherwise be the case, plus the subsidy from the government for stringing homeowners along.
Those who have the competing view -- that the role of government is to foster a strong economy and help the bulk of the population -- instead support measures that would directly help homeowners. For example, bankruptcy cram-down would make it easier for homeowners to declare bankruptcy and hold onto their homes.
Even better, the government could pass "right to rent" legislation as proposed by Representatives Raul Grijalva and Marcy Kaptur. This bill (HR 5028) would allow homeowners to stay in their home as renters for up to 5 years following a foreclosure. During this period, they would pay the market rent for their house as determined by an independent appraisal.
This bill would provide real housing security to homeowners facing foreclosure. It would also prevent a glut of vacant foreclosed homes from driving down property values and destroying neighborhoods. In addition, it would give banks more incentive to negotiate meaningful modifications with homeowners, since it would make the foreclosure route much less attractive. The Grijalva-Kaptur bill also would require no new government bureaucracy and would cost the taxpayers nothing.
But right-to-rent legislation would require a different view of government -- one that believes the government is responsible for helping ordinary people. As we know, the government is controlled by those who believe in redistributing money to