of dollars in U.S. tax breaks to encourage home ownership, retirement savings, business start-ups and education mostly benefit top income earners and do little to help low- and middle-income people build wealth, a report released on Wednesday said.
The U.S. government spent nearly $400 billion, mostly through tax breaks, in 2009 to promote home ownership and other wealth-building strategies, and more than half of that benefited the wealthiest 5 percent of taxpayers, said the study sponsored by the nonprofit Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED).
The Annie E. Casey Foundation and the CFED advocate for greater economic opportunities for the poor.(snip)
This is completely in line with what I've seen. Seems only the wealthy have the time and resources to benefit from many of the programs especially the tax breaks. The rest of us are just screwed, lacking the breathing room to hire lawyers, to fight with bankers for business loans when we've been stagnant for a couple of years, to deal with the months and months it takes to get a favorable review in many of the other programs like home mortgage assistance.