and gold skyrockets in recent weeks. Their most recent policy statement was one where they stated that they plan on reflating the economy on the back of a deflated dollar. Means they are warming up the printing presses and the dollar will suffer.
Many claim that Goldman Sachs is the private arm of the Federal Reserve and knows exactly what the Fed policy is even before the Fed does. Wouldn't surprise me but who can prove it? If it was proven who would even publish the facts? JFK tried to reign them in. Did Goldman invest in gold as they invested in shorting the "bubbleized and securitized" mortgage mortgage market that their pals on the Fed created? Money is about insider knowledge and something tells me that average Americans are the first to lose, and the last to know, and Goldman Sachs is just the opposite.
But that is old history now and we must look to the future where we can all get fucked again. Could it be that the pathetic uninformed, uninterested Americans with a 24 hr attention span are brainwashed by a media that has no interest in average Americans, may deserve what they get? I don't think so but that's the way it is.