Edited on Fri Oct-15-10 03:13 PM by Po_d Mainiac
The 'Mandrel Wire Index'
Iron mandrel wire is used by the light bulb industry as the molds in which filaments and exciters are formed. The wire never makes into the final production, but is a core element in the production process.
The 'family' business is the production of iron mandrel wire. We are the sole supplier to one of the "big 2" manufacturers of long tube florescent lights in the USA. (That business has been in existence since 1968 and "Made in the USA" is stamped on every shipment)
We draw a lot of different wire sizes for varied applications, but the coils used in florescent lights are the only application for particular diameters. So we can tell by our orders what the anticipated lighting needs are for much of the commercial sector.
Look up when you walk into any large facility covered by a roof (factory, Mall, grocery store, etc)....What do you see.......See those long light tubes? Those are what I'm talking about.
The 60day outlook of the MWI substantiates the FOTB...(60 days is our normal lead time) Orders/shipments have been flat for over 5 years..We should have seen a bump up as the day light hours shorten.
ps......We had a first hand look at outsourcing before it became a household term. We used to ship product to Three Rivers Canada, Towanda Pa, Paris Tx, Waldoboro Me, Lewiston Me, Bloomfield NJ and probably some other sites I've forgotten. Only one of those addresses is currently receiving product.