The first Socialist President was, of course, Herbert Hoover. It was natural for a staunch socialist, who was obsessed with theories of governance, to pursue a role in government. However, 1929 was simply a bad time for that kind of leadership. As the saying goes, "It's the economy, stupid!" When there is an economic crisis, we cannot afford to have a leader who wants to ignore economic issues. We need our President to be the top business leader who will give appropriate commands to all of the smaller business leaders in the nation, the private-sector people who cannot function without strong government leadership.
Fortunately, when Ronald Reagan was elected, the economy began to recover from 1929. It's no coincidence that Ronald Reagan's major in college was Economics. Of course, he didn't stay long in the ivory towers of academia. He earned a degree and quickly obtained roles in the film-making business. He earned a lot of money. Thus, he was deeply involved in all kinds of financial and monetary issues. Let me repeat that film-making is a business. When he arrived at the White House, Reagan knew that borrowing a lot of money and spending it on defense would protect America from not only military enemies, but also from the economy enemy which is hard times.
Skipping past some boring episodes in history, here we are facing hard times. Unfortunately, the man who presides over this mess didn't work in a business like film-making. No, his job was to stand before a crowd of bored young adults at 9 AM and try to both wake them up for the day and get them interested in constitutional law. Naturally, it has been a long time since President Obama suffered from stage fright. Unfortunately, it does us little good to have an entertainer at the helm when we need an economic genius like Ronald Reagan. However, I am confident that we will somehow muddle through this period. My great fear is that a third strike will knock us out completely. We got through the Great Depression, and we will get through the current crisis, but we cannot afford a third Socialist President.