the Morans living here think the pro business Republicans along with their anti-socialist mentality is the reason ND is 'doing so good'. They just cannot see the socialism all around them. Not the Bank of North Dakota and not the State Mill and Elevator.
And most certainly not even the municipal water and sewer most of our town have. They try to explain away all of it as not being socialism in any way, shape or form.
What is not mentioned is ND is a Right to Work, low wage state.
Most Morans here are so ignorant, they aren't sure if denial is even a river. (No fault of the school systems)
We also have coal (lignite), and oil feeding the coffers, keeping this Red State solvent. Without those, ND would make Mississippi look like a good place to live.
Some examples of the 'thinking' up here: said: "hey nightmare, did it ever occur to you that the majority of loans from BND are not government subsidized? Just thought you should know that before you tell people how wrong THEY are. And the small portion (such as Stafford Loans) that are subsidized are also subsidized in the exact same manner at any other bank. "
free lunch said on: November 4, 2010, 11:55 am
Just because the government runs something soesn't make it socialism. That is by far too broad a brush. Socialist in nature perhaps but not socialism.
nightmare and f'gores:
Logic flies by you like a rocket!
Everyone who can see lightening and hear thunder knows the history of the Bank of North Dakota. The discussion is about the difference between a financial transaction (borrowing and paying back with interest aka a loan) versus socialism (money TAKEN from "Peter and GIVEN to Paul aka socialism). If you can't understand that you are indeed beyond all help and my patience.
terrier said: "Before I return to the tellie, nightmare.............You really are, with all due respect , dumber than bait. if the Bank of North Dakota were to GIVE Cashin' money that the bank STOLE from me.......that would be socialism but if the bank is due the money it loans plus interest that's merely a financial transaction. What planet do you live on?"
Some interestin' readin' there sometimes.