First, the movement is to force the states, do to economic crisis, to tell its unionized state Government Work Force to accept a major cut in wages and income. Right now, the most Unionized part of the Work Force are State Employees. There are a good example for private employees that the Right wants to destroy. Thus the right sees a nation wide economic crisis as a means to destroy the last stand of widespread unionization in the US. Worse, most state employees are paid better the Private Employees (when Private employment is taken as a whole) but when compared to workers with the same amount of training, State unionized workers are paid less. Now, the Right knows this, but sees the state Government union not only a to good an example to be tolerated buy also as a safety net that they can NOT force wages below. i.e. if the State is hiring, private employees lose employees to the State do to the better working conditions do to both Civil Service (and the courts view of Employment by the state and how that employment is a property right, something private employment has never been ruled to be by the Courts) and unionization (Which can provide the Legal Assistance to enforce the idea that Government employment is a property Right).
The above also holds open the door for a court to rule sometime in the future that since Corporations are creation of the State, they come under the same rule as the state including the concept the employment by the state is a property right that can NOT be taken way without good cause.
Second, the article assumes that the Tea Party right is actually thinking long term. I suspect they are not, for the right wing NEVER things long term, just the next election. One of the reason the Right hated Marx was he took the Rights view of Capitalism and took it to where it was heading for, and has been proved correct over and over again (it is so bad the CIA uses Marxist findings as to when revolutions occur to set up revolutions itself, i.e. never do a revolution as an economy declines, only once it bottoms out and starts to boom).
Now, Marx was wrong on what would replace Capitalism, he predicted a worker's revolution and then a march to Communism, but what happen was, while the leaders of the Communist Revolutions would stay true to that idea, the people below them, the people actually leader the workers in revolt, quickly become the new middle class and the workers are put down again (This is what Stalin did in the late 1930s, killed off what remained of the old leftest communists and replaced them with the bureaucrats that had come into economic control of society as a result of the Revolution, other communists called it "State Capitalism" and that is true in a way, the bureaucrats acted like the old Upper Middle Class of Russia, with the same demands as to their privileges including better housing, food and education for their Children. I point this out for while Marx was right about WHEN and WHO would do the Revolution, he was just wrong as to WHO would rule AFTER the revolution.
I bring this up, for Marx did address what would happen long term under Capitalism, when the petty "Bourgeoisie" i.e. the Foremen, managers, Doctors, Lawyers, etc., of Society are forced (by income reduction do to more money going to the Upper Class) to the same income as the working class then you have a revolution for the upper middle class loses control over the working class when those petty bourgeoisie become part of the Working class (And this occurs after the Working class itself has seen a huge reduction in income, as it has since Reagan).
My point is Marx pointed out the crushing of the Working class and then the petty "Bourgeoisie" is NOT something the Upper Middle Class plans on, it just happens do to what the Upper Middle Class is doing to enrich itself. Thus I suspect there is no plan to crush the Federal Union, maybe a group think to crush the labor union movement, but not the Federal Union for then you have to think of what will replace it and the Right has NOT even brought up that idea (Yes, some right wingers have brought up a military dictatorship, but at the same time most right wingers oppose such a military dictatorship, thus the proposals go no where).