Here we are only fifteen days into January 2011 and the economy is starting to feel like a ten ton weight slowly crushing my family.
No one is getting any salary/wage increases this year. So, our income remains stagnant -- how true is this for the vast, vast majority of middle and working class Americans?
** Yet ... our health care insurance premiums are going up (where is that price control in Obamacare?)
** Gasoline is near or over $3 a gallon.
** You should see the state and local tax/fee increases we are facing.
** If you're a college student or parents of a college student, well, tuition and fees are going through the roof (thanks but no thanks Arne Duncan for your everybody must go to college propaganda).
** If you have child in public/charter school -- watch out for the fees being assessed in some cases now at the beginning of the second semester.
** The prices at the grocery store are inching ever higher every trip we make.
** Then there are the cuts to government services, for instance, our libraries are now closed on Mondays -- same property tax levied for less access; and these kinds of cuts are now rife throughout local and state government.
For economists and financial statisticians and for the politicians and CNBC pundits there may be a 'recovery', but the real truth here on the ground in real America is that regular folks are literally being nickled-and-dimed to death.