The SEC's prosecution of the Galleon Group hedge fund has Wall Street worried. More details at the link.
Stung by criticism that the SEC was allowing a rigged game, the commission stepped up its investigative efforts. It used wiretaps and insiders. Suddenly hedge funds were infiltrated by Armani-wearing Donnie Brascos.
The result is the most important case since Ivan Boesky in the late 1980s. It may even be bigger. Prosecutors have cast a wide net, ensaring 130 bit players and big-time operators. The evidence that’s leaked out — the 2,400 clandestine recordings of phone calls, the emails and suspects turned to aid the prosecution — is on a scale Wall Street hasn’t seen before.
“If prosecutors can’t win this case with the extremely strong set of facts and evidence against the defendant — wiretaps, cooperating witnesses and an unsympathetic defendant — prosecutors and SEC’s latest crackdown on insider trading will be effectively stopped in its tracks,” Stoltmann said.
But if the prosecution wins, the results will shake the financial industry