On Friday, April 1, 2011, an Operations Department of Anonymous launched "Operation Want" by providing to the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission detailed information on the corruption occuring within the NASDAQ OMX Group and their proposed changes to laws that specifically benefit Sweden's Elite Wallenberg Family . . . . NASDAQ OMX Group is valued at over $14 trillion. The makeup of the 15 member Board of Directors has lost their balance between industry, non-industry and public interest. For the past five years there has been a power struggle over control and a considerable amount of personal greed. Two of the wealthiest 1% are fighting for ultimate control at the expense of the public trust. The end-game of the struggle within NASDAQ OMX will result in a Swedish-based cartel, which will prevent majority voting abilities within the world's largest global financial trading body. . . . (more at link)
and (can't copy any of it, but this is their letter to the SEC and sheds additional light. Basically, they're saying that the NASDAQ board is supposed to be 1/3 non-industry representatives of the public interest but due to lack of SEC enforcement, it's not, and that there's been a slo-mo takeover of Nasdaq by the Wallenberg family, which would be further advanced by a pending proposal to add as another board member an "Investor AB"; that Investor AB's filings have been misleading, etc.
I lack the expertise to evaluate plausibility of these claims; hope someone here can expound.