One of the very salient objections to Diamond was that he agreed with QE2.
QE2 was great for hedge fund managers. QE2 was great for rich people with a lot of stocks. QE2 was SUPERFANTASTIC for commodity speculators.
If you're the average joe on Main Street, or the average business owner, QE2 has sucked to high heaven.
Personally, I'm GLAD some of the Republicans spoke out against this. Our situation will change only when our thinking changes. The Democratic party will have absolutely no trouble winning the 2012 elections if it goes back to its roots and abandons this trickle-down crap. If it doesn't, it is going to have a very hard time indeed.
I care about Democratic principles, not about the name. If it takes a freaking Republican to say the obvious, we should be ashamed of ourselves and start talking even more loudly about the truth.
And do you know what Diamond's theories on unemployment boil down to? Take a look:'s work amounts to claiming that unemployment benefits cause unemployment. Tell that to the 1.5 million people who tried to get jobs at McDonald's recently.