Pawlenty's super-rich tax cuts
Charles Riley
Hey rich folks, Tim Pawlenty wants to cut your taxes. A lot.
Under the terms of his recently revealed economic plan, Americans in the top 20% of earners would see their taxes cut by an average of $23,500, an 8.6 percentage point drop in their tax rate, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
And the top 1% would get an annual average reduction of $261,000, a 14.8 percentage point drop.
Meanwhile, Americans in the lowest 20% of income would see their taxes drop by an average of only $23, a 0.2 percentage point change in their tax rate. Hidden amongst all the Social Security Cuts and Medicaid Slashing Pawlenty shows his true colors.
What kind of Moron Tea-Farty Members support this crap