Bolling: We have the highest corporate taxes in the world and unemployment/food stamps are the WORST thing for the economy.
Prof Heldman: You are an unimaginable moron with a second grade understanding of the economy, capable of only repeating overheard bumper sticker soundbytes (paraphrased).
Fox Business Host Eric Bolling Can't Understand How The Financial Collapse Caused Drop In Aggregate Demand
My additions:
US corporate tax rates as % of GDP effect of unemployment, food stamps and tax cuts for the wealthy:Every $1.00 in Unemployment returns $1.61
Every $1.00 in Food Stamps returns $1.74
Every $1.00 in tax cuts returns $0.32 (a loss of $0.78) - How does this guy remember to breathe?
(Another video here on DU from a few weeks ago shows Alan Grayson patiently trying to explain to this empty talking head the difference between payroll taxes for SS/Medicare and Federal Income tax: )
And why is he on the air showcasing his lack of comprehension for something we all learned in Econ 101 in Freshman year? Sarah Palin "hired for your looks syndrome" or something? (Noting that a photo friendly face when tempered with this level of arrogance and factual ignorance is beyond repugnant to look at, much less listen to).