Edited on Mon Sep-05-11 03:14 PM by truedelphi
economy that no one really knows the effect of our Federal Reserve stealthily handing out trillions of dollars to the Uber Elite.
Actually, I think that it is wrong to say that there are no historical precedents.
Those who have studied the French Revolution know that in the 1760 and 70's, those inside the court managed to stealthily hand over some hundreds of millions of Francs, to themselves. And then people suffered for a decade and a half, and then:
The French Revolution happened.
The next time that a nation's wealth was hijacked to such a large degree - the German people were forced by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles to pay reparations for the cost of the war. These debts were so tremendous that as Milton Mayer mentions in his book, "They Thought They Were Free," that the last and finalized payments would have been made in the 1980's, had The Third Reich not intervened. Most of us understand what went on in Germany during the twenties with such heavy duty inflation "breaking out" and in many ways, these reparation payments were responsible.
I remember from grade school the story of the person shopping in a German market. They brought a baby carriage with them, to carry the tremendous amount of paper money they needed just to do a day's shopping. And the carriage was stolen, but the thief left behind the German Marks. The carriage had value, the German Mark had none.
The Third Reich and World War II were the result of this onerous reparation payment.
We also know from the fine film based on Naomi Klein's "The Shook Doctrine" that there are only two models of what happens to nations forced to assume the "Free Market Capitalism" formulated by Milton Friedman.
Now that this economic formula is forced on us, we will either become like Russia - ruled by an internal Mafia, or else like Argentina and Chile, ruled by the military junta.
In either case, already we know here in the USA, over the last four years, that millions upon millions of Middle Class Americans have lost their homes, their savings, their health and everything that goes along with those items.