Great SS is heading for the dumpster, the 401Ks aren't doing the greatest and "hubby's" pension is going nowhere fast. I hear retirement is way over-rated anyway. :eyes: 31 (Bloomberg) -- Pension plan funding across the world is much like a dragon that has just begun to emerge from its cave.
Spurred by stock market declines, poor investment decisions,aging populations and underfunding of defined-benefit pension plans, the beast is beginning to inflame the political process.
Politicians who admitted skipping pension payments are at the center of a major political scandal in Japan, for example. In the U.K., the government is considering a new pension insurance program called the Pension Protection Fund.
In the U.S., intense political pressure created an opposite result: companies in financial distress were allowed an $80 billion break from plan funding over the next two years.
More transparency on pension accounting will certainly help both private and public pensions across the world. Yet the sword of Damocles may hang over thousands of pension plans simply because of the way private plans are funded.