Power windows that can trap small hands and heads can lead to children's deaths, say consumer advocates who want U.S. automakers to install devices that will keep kids safe.
Kids and Cars, Public Citizen and others are launching a campaign Tuesday for window switches that are harder for children to hit accidentally and windows that stop closing if something gets in their way.
"We're showing over 58 children have been killed this way," Janette Fennell, president of Kids and Cars of Kansas City, Kan., told CBS News Correspondent John Hartge.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/19/national/main569126.shtmlI've had this happen to me. I've done this to people accidently. I've seen this happen to other cars as a bystander. You can list a 1000 things which a President and Congress should be doing to take care of America instead of spending/using all the money we paid in taxes to kill Muslims, steal their oil... I don't watch too much TV. Has anyone seen a comparison of what our country could have done with this money instead of using it for murdering Muslims?