” For all his dictatorial megalomania, Gaddafi is a committed pan-African - a fierce defender of African unity.
Libya was not in debt to international bankers. It did not borrow cash from the International Monetary Fund for any "structural adjustment". It used oil money for social services - including the Great Man Made River project, and investment/aid to sub-Saharan countries. Its independent central bank was not manipulated by the Western financial system. All in all a very bad example for the developing world.”http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MD27Ak01.htmlThe above clearly answers the questions:
Why Libya?
And why NOW?
They won't
Let Go peacefully.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ---John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Good News is that our neighbors in Latin America have achieved nothing less than a (near)
Bloodless Revolutions.They have taken their countries BACK from the clutches of the
International Bankers and the predatory IMF.
"The worst enemy of humanity is U.S. capitalism. That is what provokes uprisings like our own, a rebellion against a system, against a neoliberal model, which is the representation of a savage capitalism. If the entire world doesn't acknowledge this reality, that nation states are not providing even minimally for health, education and nourishment, then each day the most fundamental human rights are being violated."
----Bolivian Reform President Evo Morales
FDR said much the same thing in 1944 with his
Economic Bill of Rights,
but FDR and THAT "Democratic Party" is LONG Dead.
Latin America has given us given us the Blue Print,
but they had the advantage of
Fair, Transparent, Verifiable, Independently Monitored & Certified Elections.We don't have anything
near that in the USA,
and neither dominant Political Party is remotely interested in giving that to us,
though that issue has the support of over 92% of Americans, Democrat & Republican.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x446445So, hunker down and protect yourselves as much as possible.
Things will get worse before they get better.
And spread
The Word from Latin America,
because our Media won't report it.
VIVA Democracy!!!
I PRAY we get some here soon!
You will know them by their WORKS,
not by their excuses.