This is just a rough calculation, so no snide comments, ok? Politely tell me of any gross errors. If you know of a definitive estimate, pls let us all know.
GDP is about 10 Trillion. 72 million families of four in US.
works out to about $137,000/family. {friends, this is all from memory of when i did this last week, expect some flaws}.
Allow 37,000 for plowback into new factory machines, research on factory methods, and raw materials.
So 100,000/family of four. TAXES: since all get a hundred thousand, no need for welfare, or pension ss, or medicare or medicaid. Pentagon wants ?350 B? about, .. and gov needs some for hiways, schools, cops and courts. Say a trillion all in all.
To tax away a trillion, taxes would take a seventh, or 14,000. Leaving 86,000. The current average middle class family is used to living on about $50,000.
So we see that presently, with people working and machines also, that the combination is producing nearly twice what the middle class needs.
So it appears that we are almost halfway to utopia. Machines work, people play. At least, democrats would have us gain leisure time from automation. Repubs want automation to create more and more unemployment.
Let us know if you have a more definitive source on how much the machines are producing today. Looks here, like a democratic government could have us work about seven months --- and take off after august 1st. Vacation till January. Thanks to science, and machines. Or is this science fiction?