I heard that phrase for the first time last night on CNN while Congressmen Rangle and McCreary debated the pork-barrell that is the "Jobs Creation Act of 2004."
REP. JIM MCCRERY (R), LOUISIANA: In three ways, Lou. Number one, the bill repeals the tax subsidies or the export subsidies that have been declared illegal by the WTO, and as a result the European Union has imposed tariffs on a number of American made goods which will make those goods, eventually when tariffs are fully phased in, uncompetitive in the world market place. So, that's number one.
Number two, we give a corporate rate cut to manufacturers in this country for goods that they sell from manufacturing here in this country. Number three, we revise, we modernize our international tax code to make our multinational corporations based here in the United States more competitive in the international market place. Those are three ways that we will lower the cost of doing business for American companies, making them more competitive, allowing them to create more jobs at home.
A number of nations have modernized their tax systems while we have not. And that has put our American companies trying to compete in those overseas markets at a disadvantage.
Well, in the last four months we've created over one million jobs here in this country. I think to enable that to continue, we've got to modernize our tax system and make our American corporations more competitive in the world market place. That's what this bill is all about.
Is this the new code word to hide tax cuts? I did a google search on the term and it sprang up several times. As far as I can tell, it never means fixing the problems with the tax system, but simply cutting taxes. Is this the new "death tax"--an attempt to simply change the langauge to confuse the sheeple into supporting something that is ultimately against their best interest?