I'm not familiar with the bills details but have seen some ugly outlines
When it comes to the broad outlines of economic thought and policy the difference between Dems and Repub is small. Or if thought isn't involved so much as who fills the open palm then again there isn't much difference.
Let's get one thing perfectly straight. The era of corpratism and it's mother, modern financial engineering, was finalized and made unassailable under Clinton.
Tax policy is only one part of the juggernaught.
Great powerful corporations are partners in great powerful nations. The thing now is that government has become the junior partner.
There is NO turning back from the highly leveraged speculative financial engineering pardigm which as I said is the mother of modern corporations. Absent modern accounting and financial engineering and an endless accelleration of debt and money creation we will have a depression. There is no middle ground.
NO POLITICIAN even if he understood a bit of the above proposition and perhaps accepted it as a small probability not a certainty, would dare to even suggest that they saw any gaps in the clothing of the great emperors clothing. The great emperor being the gigantic edifice that is modern finance. To suggest the emporor has no clothes would label them as totally insane, and certainly unelectable, not to mention poor in retirement.
If the edifice does crack then what would be the political outcome. Don't imagine a repeat of some cycle like the 30's and Roosevelt. If large numbers of Americans were made poor then too bad they better shut up. Homeland Security and the DOD will make sure they do this time.