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Conservation group issues dire report

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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 05:26 PM
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Conservation group issues dire report
Hundreds of species face possible extinction in the next two decades if more land is not set aside to protect them, a study released Thursday said.

The Conservation International study of more than 11,000 species throughout the world has created a global picture of how they are protected.

It was released during the World Parks Congress in the coastal city of Durban where 2,500 international conservationists have gathered.

An urgent addition of 2.6 per cent of the world's land area to an existing protection system could help stop the imminent extinction of at least two-thirds of unprotected species, the report said.

Still, many other areas also need protection to safeguard the world's species, the report said. At least 223 avian, 140 mammalian and 346 amphibian species are currently completely unprotected.

“We need to do something right away.

It's so obvious there's no hope. You don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to figure this one out. We've paving over the Earth for factories, homes, and farms. Ah, where is natural life going to live Mr. Christian Moral Man?
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Parche Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 05:29 PM
Response to Original message
1. IF
bush gets another 4 years then Americans will face extinction also
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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 05:53 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. It just seems American's are so clueless and uninformed, this is going
to happen eventually anyway.
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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 05:54 PM
Response to Original message
3. SOS for 700 threatened species - MSGOP
At least 700 bird, mammal and amphibian species threatened with extinction, and probably many more, have no protection in any part of their ranges, according to an analysis released Thursday. Another 943 species likely face similar situations since their protected areas are too small to be effective, said the study by Conservation International and the World Conservation Union.
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kwolf68 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-16-03 05:30 PM
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4. These people dont care

CI is not a far left group either. Its funny I never see any religious Conservative fundamentalists talking about saving species...You know animals? ... That God supposedly had put on the ark in pairs so as to promote biodiversity?

Fucking hypocrites...When all the animals are gone then what will we have left to terrorize, hunt, kill and torture for pleasure? Ourselves I guess.

Humanity has problems...
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kwolf68 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-16-03 05:35 PM
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5. Sometimes I wonder if its all worth it

I have dedicated my life to saving endangeared animals and have returned to college to pursue a masters degree in Biology with a Genetic track.

Specifically I want to do R&D concerning animals with limited genetic variation which places them at grave risk. Animals such as the Northern Elephant Seal and Cheetahs are known to have this issue.

At press time Cheetahs have other problems outside of their genetics and the seals seem to be viable...but this will eradicate them both (among countless other species). If there is a way to help nature I will do it. Instead of being an activist I decided to go another route.

I have never been this dedicated to education in my life. It was the animal world that inspired me to go beyond the possible...I am on earth to do this and will always do it, BUT...

Sometimes I think the animals would be better off in story books where the persecution and exploitation no longer exist.
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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-16-03 06:46 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Sometimes I think the Repukelicans would be better off in story books
where the persecution and exploitation no longer exist.

That's what you need to think about. Don't give up on the animals and plants!!!!!!!!!
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