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US Seeks Alliance with China and India to Block Climate Protection (Der Spiegel)

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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 05:47 PM
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US Seeks Alliance with China and India to Block Climate Protection (Der Spiegel),1518,521153,00.html

In recent official statements, Washington has indicated it might be looking for a compromise during negotiations in Bali for a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. But sources say the White House is discreetly searching for partners in Beijing and Dehli to derail the prospects for any binding agreements to curb emissions of greenhouse gases.

In the run-up to the Bali Climate Conference that opened Monday, the administration of US President George W. Bush established contact with representatives of the Chinese and Indian governments in an attempt to curb progress on climate protection initiatives, SPIEGEL ONLINE has learned from a source familiar with the White House's Bali strategy.

According to the source, Washington is hoping that the two greenhouse gas emitters will openly declare during the conference that they are unwilling to accept any binding limits on emissions of greenhouse gases -- at least not as long as the US is unwilling to do more or if the Western industrial nations do not provide them with more financial aid for climate protection initiatives. If successful, the US could use the tactic to prevent itself from becoming an isolated scapegoat if negotiations in Bali end in a stalemate.

"Bush's people don't want to make any real progress in the next two weeks," one Washington insider said. "But they also don't want to be severely criticized internationally again. So now the White House is seeking discreet ways of preventing binding limits on emissions."

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MADem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 05:51 PM
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1. Well, way to suck up to China, by snuggling with the Dalai Lama.
China wouldn't even let the Shitty Kitty Hawk do 'Thanksgiving' in Hong Kong. Don't know how much they are talking these days, even though this is in China's industrial interest.
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German1972 Donating Member (15 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-06-07 11:10 AM
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2. Germany Commits €3.3 Billion to Combat Climate Change (der Spiegel)
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