with a value-neutral technology?
you say
The potato famine, smallpox (virtual genocide), mass extinction, monoculture: Those are undue problems from artificial dispersion. in reality, these problems were not due to artificial dispersion per se - these problems were largely due to political decisions motivated by either indifference or hate:
The potato famine - if the english had been so inclined, they could have largely alleviated the suffering of the irish during the potato famine of the 1840's. in any event the whole famine was traced to unwise monoculture conditions - but the promise of gm crops is an increase in genetic diversity that will avoid such issues.
smallpox - sure, giving native americans blankets infected with smallpox was an atrocity - but it wasn't something that was unforeseen or a surprise - it was done deliberately and malevolently. similarly, gm technology could be abused for great evil, but so can water for crying out loud - so such fear-mongering is hardly justified!
mass extinction - not sure how this applies to the current discussion - most human-caused mass extinctions have been a result of habitat loss (or drastic climate change beyond the control of mankind; although a future wave of climate-caused extinctions will be mankind's fault)
you say
So far, GM has led to increased chemical treatment of crops. In some cases, the GM crops themselves create the increased pesticide or other chemicals. Living things are vastly unwiedly chemical factories.this statement is blatantly untrue. gm crops have resulted in large reductions in chemical use (why else would farmers plant these crops? clearly not to curry favor with consumers - the primary reason is they can save money on expensive pesticides).
one thing you are absolutely correct about is that
living things are vastly unwieldly chemical factories (actually they're very efficient chemical factories, but that's a small item to quibble about). completely non-genetically engineered plants don't just sit around waiting to be eaten - they produce their own
herbicides, here's a few:
fungicides, nematicides, and rodenticides:
http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proceedings1990/v1-511.htmlwhen plants come under attack, they up-regulate production of these (and hundreds more similar) chemicals by up to 10,000-fold (or, to be less quantitative, they basically start from zero and make a lot of these chemicals). furthermore, these natural compounds are equally or more dangerous to human health than artificial chemicals used for similar purposes (bruce ames at UCBerkeley has published a bunch of studies on this topic if you're interested in tracking down more information). gm crops can avoid both the endogenous over-production of these natural compounds (because, if the plants aren't exposed to pests, they won't expend the energy to produce pesticides) and reduce use of artificial chemicals.
you say
Computer climate models were useless 10 years ago, and today they are capable of producing useful new tools and programs via genetic mutation. - i apologize for being rather obtuse, but the link between the improvement of computer climate models and genetic mutation completely escapes me - some elaboration would be appreciated.
you say
Most plants and animals are not bacterium or viruses - please provide examples of any plants or animals that are bacterium or virusus.