A study by The National Academy of Sciences found that in the 1990s over 50% of U.S. pregnancies resulted in birth defects on chronic conditions such as autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, eczema, diabetes, asthma, etc. It has been documented that the majority of these health effects are caused by prenatal and neonatal toxic exposures, to such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, antimony, nickel, etc. Also pesticides and organochlorine compounds, organophosphates, and other endocrine disrupting substances.
But according to DOH ASTDR/EPA 7 of the top 10 toxics causing large amounts of health harm are toxic metals with mercury, lead, and arsenic being the top 3, affecting millions.
Modern amalgam fillings have high copper levels replacing silver, which has resulted in the average person with amalgam having mercury levels 10 times that of those without, and amalgam in Mom's fillings being a major source of mercury in the fetus, and infants, and also resulting in dental mercury fillings(50% mercury) being the largest source of mercury in sewers due to these huge exposures, with the average person excreting into sewers approx. 30 micrograms per day. This also makes individuals highly toxic, and susceptible to chronic health problems but results in high levels in water bodies, fish, etc. -over 30% of U.S. water bodies have mercury health warnings. www.flcv.com/damspr1.html see Doctors Data lab documentation cited
Due to the huge increase in toxic exposures during the 1990s due to the increase in vaccinations containing high levels of mercury and aluminum, and to antimony from ScotchGuard in childrens pajamas and bed clothes, and arsenic in treated wood on playgrounds, etc. there has been a huge increase in childrens neurological conditions such as ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, mood disorders, dyslexia. The primary cause has been documented to be this huge increas in toxic metals exposures as documented in:
www.flcv.com/tmlbn.html www.flcv.com/kidshg.html www.flcv.com/fetaln.html