Most of us take PDF files for granted. Years ago, Adobe created a universal file format with their Acrobat software that produced documents which could be opened on PCs, Mac and Unix/Linux computers. Soon you could find PDF files nearly everywhere because Adobe gave away a free reader program. They still do. But if you wanted to create a PDF file — that wasn’t free.
IT ISN’T FREE today, either. A full version of Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional sells for $449 on their Web site. But I’ve found there are less expensive ways to make your own PDF files.
The people at eHelp sent me a copy of their PDF-creating software called RoboPDF 3.0 and I was pretty impressed at what it can do. Right on the box, it says that RoboPDF is “the easy, affordable way to create PDFs.” After using it, I have to agree.